The Writer


Check yourself. Check yourself again. One more time. Ok…. so here we are. How did we get here? Doesn’t matter.


One thing at a time.

Relax and enable yourself to breathe.

What portion of the multiverse do you want in your universe? In your little pocket of space and time. You’ve the ability, so just envision.

Be patient, help will arrive.

Why does a writer crave to chronicle? To write? How can a young man turn this constant questioning into making a living? Is that what journalism is, asking the big questions to those with the big answers and delivering to those with the craving minds?

The mind tugs at him,  “Come back! Fear everything around you! Trust nothing and no one. There’s no one here truly for you except for you! Wait, is that true or is that ego?”

A writer has chronicled 3 pages of possibly useless thought. The keystrokes are his heart beat, the music his satiation, and the love his satisfaction.

Everything will be okay as long as a writer is able to write his part of the multiverse into this universe.

About hermes3339

They took from me my rifle and gave to me my pen. I will write again.
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