Mother God

dakI pass the minutes with pecks of keys, not much different than the little gears ticking away inside the clock hanging nearby.

I pause for some cannabis.

Hermetic logos teaches that the feminine force in nature is the ether, the space in between and that masculine force in nature is form. Would this mean that masculine forces would be without form if there were no spaces in between provided by the feminine forces? A universe solely comprised of matter without the assistance of so-called “Dark Matter”.

So I ask myself, which is the force that directs?

Power struggles and vacuums, humanity and the cosmos, is there a difference? So then, why can I not accept my reality as is?

These questions direction my mind away from source and into distraction.

My mind struggles to exist in the moment because I have too many questions, too many answers, too many assumptions, too many….

I pause.

Nocturne’s embody the night, yet unlike the night, they uplift my soul. My fingers glide across the keyboard like a skillful pianist. Creating thoughts into form from the formless; she’s there… in the spaces in between, Mother God.

About hermes3339

They took from me my rifle and gave to me my pen. I will write again.
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