A Man


A man becomes a warrior.

None can fight against the Architect.

It is 11:20 AM, he has not eaten breakfast and may be dehydrated. Why? Some could argue that his upset was enough to satiate the gut, or perhaps it was his lack of focus?

A man’s father sits in the ER for chest pains due to anxiety. A man’s lover suffers daily from chest pains due to anxiety. Somewhere, a woman wears a neck brace and her supposed lover imbibes to drown his depression and anxiety. A man sits in discomfort to try and write it all away, all the while a woman craves a man’s attention and is denied.

A man’s focus is returned to the clickity-clack of his keystrokes, accompanied with nocturne’s written by a man named Franz Liszt who once fell in love with a pupil in the 1800’s.

So, a man chooses to channel an old grizzled king, slumped over a table holding in  place a map of the land. Yet, the table is a keyboard and the land is the unknowable multiverse.

A waltz begins to play. A man’s keystrokes are once again influenced by another man who has long since been resting beneath the Earth.

The Sun dances through the cosmos in this waltz, along with the Milky Way at its center, undulating every 230,000,000 years not unlike a carousel. An endless dance of intense, ordered chaos. Exploding stars, colliding planets, stars being born, galaxies headed to one another on collision course to display the most beautiful masterpiece of dance…. and certain destruction.

The matters of the cosmos matter little to man but a place to question and wonder. So a man digresses and regains focus to matters at hand.

A man’s father is okay, everyone is going to be okay, life is going to be okay because a man is a warrior.

IMG Source miriadna.com

About hermes3339

They took from me my rifle and gave to me my pen. I will write again.
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