Rules of Beauty

Breathe the air that encircles you. Understand that you are breathing.

Experience the cool air that enters and escapes as warmth.

Gaze inwards, to your lungs, and observe that you are breathing eternally.

Feel the air revitalize you, empower you, invigorate you, as well as uplift you.

Sense your chest rise and then fall. Feel your blood carry each breath to where it is needed.

Do not fall into subconscious breathing.

Dance until your knees buckle.

Open your mornings with dance and accompany dance at night.

Feel the rhythm of your music The beat of your heart, the pumping in your veins.

The earth is your drum, play it with your feet.

Seek comfort in your movement.

Let only the thought of this dance of the universe enter your mind as you do so.

Realize that music is your companion, always.

Dance and liveliness will call your heart home.

Observe life through the eyes of a newborn babe.

Witness the beautiful patterns of the universe, such as a sunflower.

Exist within the immediate moment.

Realize that an ordinary moment is a false moment and you will see the magic unfold in each blade of grass before you.

Go down harshly with the downs, fly with gusto with the highs, do not battle the moment.

Never ignore one moment and life will be beautiful.

About hermes3339

They took from me my rifle and gave to me my pen. I will write again.
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